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Oh joy!

I finally got this damned thing up and running!

and I'm not using my own layout this time!The last time I used geocities I ended up complusively changing the layout every few weeks.Aduhai.

moral of the story : too much free time and being too kiasu can cause a person to do stupid stupid things (Take note of kata ganda )

Another reason to rejoice...


meaning no lectures, no tutorial, no worrying about the size of my purse (went from fat > thin)and no worrying bout what to eat!

which also means I get to balik kampung!
Pengumuman : I have now reached a stage where home=house in KL, kampung=Klang) Ceh sounds so LC!!!

Living away from kampung has it ups and downs. But after staying at home awhile, I kinda grew fond of the place

Why my house rocks?

Cyber-cafe atmosphere

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6 computers in the living room la dammit. Can use to play Dota syok syok huh?

Very strategic location

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Just opposite Tarc main entrance.Yes I'm a lucky bitch. and yet I'm almost always late for class.

Weird feng shui objects on walls

Interpretions of objects by mickey. Owner of site shall not be held responsible for any inaccuracy of reading

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specimen 1-mechenical pencil (no lead):

used to repel bad chi in addition of blessing fellow occupants during exams.

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specimen 2-badminton racket (handle broken off) :

used to protect occupants (just in case there's a break-in?) and promote good health(remind us to exercise?).

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specimen 3-Minnie mouse clock that always shows 1.47 :

No particular reason. Everyone's just too lazy to load new batteries that's all

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specimen 4-Eveready Battery :

To increase and attract good energy (chi) in the house so occupants can live happily. Ironically, the battery is hanging right above minnie mouse clock. WTF-ness.