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After much pestering I finally gave in to my sister's pleas to clean up the room. Excuse : She's going to take her PMR next week so she wants to study in a room which does not look remarkably similar to the dumpsite in Jinjang. HMMPH! ACTUALLY NO CHOICE ALSO LAH.. MY MOM JADI HER PENYOKONG PARTI!!

So off I went armed with my arsenal of weapons: garbage bag, broom and mop. Sigh...

After finding my past SPM papers, all my old spectacles since primary school, old school books,revisions books, half done add maths latihan-s,old collection of galaxie magazine posters,harry potter stuff, old school yearbook, diaries.... I found THIS.

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My old autograph book,the circled yellow one.

After flicking through some of its pages I found this poem . Several years back, my old naive self (ok. maybe should say MANY years back) wouldn't give this much thought. I'd probably assumed my friend was just being stupid. Reading it NOW however is a different story. Check out poem 1 .

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Somehow the whole thing looks SO WRONG..... the presence of ariel's sticker just seems to add to the irony of the whole situation.

My cha-dao-ness intensified when I flicked over to see which ass wrote me this piece of literature. Heck, it was my best friend in primary school. ELISA!!! OMFG! Who taught her to write this?!!
