I am Red

Hello, I am super mario's mushroom, you know - the power up mushroom Mario cant live without. I swear if it werent for me he wouldnt be able to win the heart of Princess Peach. Hmm useless bugger.

Anyway, I reside in the chaos which is mk's room. She got me a few weeks ago as a reward to herself for accomplishing something. So far, Im still kinda adapting to life around her. I still miss the other mushrooms at the store but oh well, that life, we have to move on :/ Anyway one thing I dont like about her is that her room is so messy I swear she's not a girl.. I have to pick up after her when she's not looking wtf.

Here is the subject which I am talking about. Look at her, hugging the pole like that while looking so happy, what an idiot! Anyway, since she is always writing rather emo entries here, its time I tell you some random stuff about her (according to my observations)

She lost quite alot of weight recently. Although she still thinks its okay to loose abit more (like 3 more kg?) Women, I tell you, are stupid. I for one, am still round no matter what I do, which is saddening. She should be grateful!! >.< Another reason why women are stupid. They buy shoes based on prettiness and not usefulness. Just look at this pair, they kill her feet yet she loves it to bits. She has too many shoes btw but always ends up wearing the same few ones. DUMB I tell you DUMB!

I think she secretly hates her job, but is too lazy to search for a new one. Tahan hingga tak boleh tahan, she says. Yet she has all the time in the world to read books with weird titles such as the curious case of the dog in the night time (thought it was pretty cool), Micheal Freeman's top 100 photography tips (thought it was informative), Queen Orchid (thought it was epic), For one more day (thought it was cliched), the notebook and Ps I love you (thought it was frustrating and waste of time- why cant the people just get together already!)

Okaaay, whatever.

She is addicted to coke. And throws panic fits when she is running low on her supply of fresh milk. Weird huh.

Due to her "busy-ness" she has been neglecting her guitar, which is sad since its a good guitar. And whats the point of a good guitar if one does not put it to good use. Haih if you ask me, she should just give the guitar up to some orphanage. Do some good, earn some good karma eh?

Okay, end of my monologue. Im off to pick up after the mess she just left behind.

wtf i hate my life.

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