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Regarding mei-qis and haircuts

Is it just me or do girls like to do things in groups?
toilet, shopping, go to class, shopping..
guess it must have been programmed since childhood
or maybe its just in our blood.

Yesterday was no exception. Since the semester break was really starting to get to us, mei wei aka roomate aka personal driver of the day managed to secure her brother's car (actually secretly 'borrow' the car.. shh!!) so we and our other college mates can go out!! Yeah!! destination: hair dresser.

Ironically, the hair dresser she took us to is named mei qi,the person who recommended the place to her is named mei qi and then she is bringing me (mei qi=my chinese name) along! weird huh?

So far, I know 2 mei qi-s in college. Another 2 of my coursemates happen to have sisters named mei qi. AND I had heard people calling mei qi-s in college halls/canteen. bloody tulan, why my name so many people use one!!! Very nice meh? Can start a persatuan liao!

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The hairdresser's is located on the second floor in a row of shophouses. This is like your traditional hairdresser you went to since a kid where there's no fancy decor, no music and no hot hairstylist sad huh?.But I liked the place. The nice aunties made up for the hot hairstylists. Cheap somemore! $10 for haircut and $30 for highlights!! So i did BOTH! Mei wei went for a cut that looks a bit like ella from SHE. We then had fun gelling her hair up. haha!

The final result:
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