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A very queer entry

While searching for information about pink's 'stupid girl' video today damn funny that video.haha! I came across >this
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Pink's campaigning for gay rights?!Jessica simpson as well.

Apparently, she's part of a project called "Coming Out" which is organised by the human rights organisation of the united states. it's a project aimed to get people to speak out on this awkward issue and promote awareness and perhaps acceptance on the subject.

I know you all must be wondering:ta-ma-de, why this siao cha bo blogging about this topic? Is she queer? *raise eyebrows* Sorry to burst your bubble. I'm normal like any of you other human beings. I'm just blogging about this cause I have always felt strongly regarding this issue and because I have a friend who is a crossdresser. And yes I have seen how people treat her. Its not pretty.

When I walk beside her or have lunch with her. I can see the various reactions of people. Some stare. Some point. Some gasp. Some laugh. Some mock. In loud abnoxious voices. Some pull their kids away like its infectious. Like a plague or something. Its just sad. No wonder she hates going anywhere alone. Its like having the whole world disagree with you.

Heck, even I was questioned about being seen around with her. You tak takut dia ke? Takut apa pray tell?

Once, two aunties purposely walked by just to get a better look at her. And all the while comparing her with someone else and speculating how she ended up like that " aiya, ah mah too manja, that's why end up like dat" LOUDLY. Every word was so freaking clear.I can see her clenching her fist and pretending that she didn't hear anything. But I knew the comments must have stung.

Man, the ignorance of these aunties. They freak out when you call them aunties and yet they think thay can pass judgement on people's family without stopping to think that it might hurt other people.

I once asked her why choose such a tough path when she's just 20.After all, is she really sure? She said its not something you can choose. When she was young, she know something was amiss when she kept staring at pictures of guys. not girls. And not only she KNEW, other people could SEE it as well. She was once dragged in the school toilet and was subsequently beaten up by a bunch of seniors to "toughen" her up. She never reported that case.

When she came clean about it to her family, her brother had also given her a beating. Same excuse as well. NS training didn't deter her as well. She just couldn't help it. So she started dressing up. But how do you live if people, well generally the malaysian public still has all these negative presumptions? Its really tough. Sometimes I really admire her bravery. Being brave is not about being not afraid. Its being afraid but doing very thing you are afraid of doing.Its so stupid but so true.

Here we are, a bunch of teenagers worried about what our peers might view us if we didn't get that pair of desiner jeans, that gorgeous top, that amazing new ipod when we are perfectly fine all along. We certainly won't have total strangers mocking us in the street or anything. Why be so paranoid? Sometimes I feel so ashamed with myself.

Going to the toilet is also another matter. Entering the female toilet would mean getting slapped. Entering the male toilet would gain her curious stares. So what did she do? She use the disable people's toilet. Why? I asked. She told me well since generally people view her as a "can zang ren wu" (disabled human),she didn't see any wrong coming from using the dsabled toilet or disabled parking spot.That sentence really got to me. I don't think I can ever ever forget the way she said it.Its so sad but yes, that is exactly how some people treat her.

It's no wonder she her ambition is to migrate to the US or UK where people like her are generally accepted for who they are and not what they look like outside. But to do so, she'll need many years of hard work and yes,many years of verbal and non-verbal torture from the public. If she's lucky, perhaps in another ten to fifteen years minimum?

Why can't we just be tolerant and just allow this people to lead and live their own lives without passing out any pointless comments? Just treat them normally. They don't wanna be treated like royalty.Just show some courtesy on our part. After all, everyone knows its not easy being different.

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