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Gaming Galore!!

Thinking of useful and productive things to do during holidays can be SERIOUSLY brain draining..

So I opt to take the easy way out.

I decided to strategically place myself in front of screens during almost every waking hour. OH GLORIOUS SCREENS, THY HUMBLE SERVANT THANKS THE HEAVENS FOR YOUR EXISTENCE!!

Aduhai. I'm so bored that I started playing not one, BUT TWO games.Caused my sisters to morph into tiny little green eyed monsters. both of them taking tests. HAHA! But seriously, what's there to envy?

If I had a daily planner, it'd probably say this:

1.Wake up
3.Go back to sleep

So I started Mapling.(Term for playing MapleStory) I know, guys will find this game a bit girly cause everything in it is damn comel.They have comel characters,comel NPCs,comel little monsters,comel houses shaped like little comel mushrooms... the list goes on. So yeah, everything is c'est comel. So comel that they should seriously reconsider naming it ComelStory. A tres bien idea huh?

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>Everything damn comel.
>Useful when you are in a bad mood and feel like killing something adorable, fluffy and pretty.
>Their snails look alot like Gary, spongebob's pet.Except they don't go 'miow' (Can kill somemore)
>Your characters can fall from ridiculously high areas without dying.
>Many levels = can waste more time.

>Character need to do alot jumping around to get from point A > B. By the time get there monster already bounce away -.-'
>Takes ridiculously long time to level up

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"Hi, my name is gary. I'm chubby and adorable. Kill me."

I had also got around playing WARCRAFT 3 as well Offline one la. I heard the online version is waaay tougher. Wendy became my sifu last week when I slept over at her house. What to do? All my housemates decided to be good boys and girls, all balik kampung.leaving me alone.HMMPH!! That evil girl decided to 'train' me by setting 6 or 7 enemies going after me. ALL SET AT INSANE MODE SOME MORE.Needless to say I was crushed within 20 minutes into the game. Bloody hell.

But then I learnt there are cheats. HEHE. Just type whosyourdaddy and sit back and relax. slumbernye.

Conclusion: Quite Fun. Not very gory. Great graphics. I like the night-elf mode. Especially their ancient warriors. Pretty.

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Night-elf mode.

If you all will excuse me, I need to level up. :P

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