Some things the ice cream girl asked me.

We were bored at work and were sitting on a chair stoning and staring at random things like creepy-big-eyed mannequins when she asked me.

"Brains or Beauty"

"As in me or someone else?"

"Someone else"



"um simple- cause brains last and beauty dont."


"although a bit of both is the best... where got such thing as both one kan. haha "

"you wish!"


"brains too. cause i'd die of boredom if i kept talking to a stupid person"



"does that mean I am not stupid?"

"you are not a guy lah"



"so what do you think guys treasure more- brains or beauty?"


"I agree. and the statement that they say they dont like girls who make up is bull"

"yupss. but too much really looks ridiculous lah."

**The next day during lunch**

"Brains or beauty?"


"nolah. for yourself"

"brains also loh"

"i'd go for beauty"

"whyy beauty dont last lah. Only useful until you are in your thirties"

"but beauty is natural, brains can be moulded"

"you do have a point.. but no, i believe some people are born more smarter than others. argh this sounds so bad but its true you know"

"so your saying with brains you can make yourself prettier?"

"well.. if you become a plastic surgeon and have plastic surgeon friends...but wait, thats another thing. wealth! So brains beauty or wealth?"

"ooh cause with wealth you can make yourself prettier-with plastic surgery!"

"yes! but we all know being rich cant buy you brains"

"but being rich can buy you beauty"

"and with brains you can have wealth. and for guys, can get pretty wife. and means pretty kids"


(a minute of silence)

"why are we torturing ourselves with questions like this?"

Why really? But isnt this a good question. Here's something very ironic. I had this conversation with a very eloquent 18 year old- a fresh survivor of SPM. And this is the same week I had this conversation with a pharmacist with a so-called high class qualification who had asked me "why did you study business admin? you plan to go into business arh? next time i go into business i find you. hehehehee"

WTF. If only going into business is as simple as they teach in the books kawanku, we'd all be rich. And due to that, pretty girls wouldnt find a need to marry wrinkly old men because of their money. And me and the ice cream girl wouldnt be sitting around having that conversation about beauty and brains and wealth.

See, I am twisting everything around. Maybe I really do have cauliflower for brains.

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