Peer Pressurized.

What people think about you. What people think about what you do. What you like. Why you like doing the things you like. What they think about the things you say. how you said the things you said. to whom was the message conveyed to and the way you said it. The things you have. The things you think you want to have cause everyone has it. The places you need to go. The things you need to do and the things you need to say cause thats what everyone's been saying and doing.

Sometimes I think peer pressure dictates our actions and choices more than we can ever fathom.

Dont get me wrong, I am not on a crusade to enlighten people about how different we are. Not so noble lol. Besides I think people are actually more alike than we like to think we are. Sure, we have our subcultures even in Malaysia. We have our fair share of ah lians, ah bengs, mat rempits, minah rempits. Then of course we have the bananas and coconuts. But really, its true!

I mean, people are generally narcissistic creatures. They worry about themselves alot. They worry about whether they are fat. Whether they are rich. Or handsome. Or pretty. Or smart. Or cool. Or why is everyone around them thinner richer handsomer prettier smarter and cooler then them. Aiks.

And of course, if they are really free, they worry about that stubborn pimple that wont seem to fade away despite applying liberal amounts of cream. Or about the darn cellulite that refuse to be exfoliated. Oh yeah, and they worry what others think about them too.

And the others? They are probably worrying about themselves and what you are thinking about them.

Which brings us to conclude that- Everyone is probably worrying too much about themselves and what you think of them to think about you obsessively. Unless of course they are secretly in love with you. But that is another story lah. So this is why we shouldnt be so obsessed about what people think and focus on what we think more. Unless of course the other person really make a whole lot of sense.
Hm deep stuff I know. But I have recently subjected myself to asking and listening to alot of different opinions and thoughts on a certain matter that I sometimes get slightly nauseous from digesting all the input.
