This week.
A photoblog.

Yes, I am lazy, and not feeing particularly ranty, creative nor philosophical. Neither do I wish to spew my innards out on the world wide web.

Hence, a photoblog on what I have been up to this week.

1. I commuted with other commuters.

2. Got hopelessly hooked on cornetto/chocolate mcflurries and KLCC's rotiboy

3. Took alot of random pictures.

4. Met up and bumped into some old faces. Went swimming. Yum char.

5. Met up with many new faces and names. Became less of a tech idiot. Harassed showgirls about the methods of growing tall (basketball. loads of it). Discovered extreme niceness, nastiness and boredom. Got sick of people questioning my cinaness. Realised that if you read "Dell" in a slower and deeper tone, it sounds like a cantonese swearword.

6. Read. Two same colored books back to back. Despite being of same color, funnily enough the stories were very contradictory. Curious incident of the dog in the nighttime is rather dark and disturbing, is a fiction, extremely popular and written by a foreign author. A backpack and abit of luck is funny and warm and is more like a travellog. It was just something I grabbed off the library shelf and is written by a local author. malaysia bolehness!

Both are did not disappoint me btw.

8. Learned how to use eyepencil without poking myself in the eye. No picture cause you'd probably be sick of my face by now.

okay...its a wrap!
