
1. The person who tag/pass you is?

2.Your relationship with him/her is?
neighbour/ ex college mate

3.Your five impression of him/her?
studious. (sorry lah but its true)

4.The most memorable thing she/he had done for you?
we went hunting together before.... house hunting, job hunting.

5.The most memorable thing she/he said to me?
I live in XX also!

which part?


huh me too which road?


AHH OMG you'rr my neighbour!!

yeah that conversation is classic.

6.If he/she became your lover you will?

freak. because becoming gay is not something i had planned.

7.If he/she become your lover,thing he/she has to improve on will be?

let me emphasize. i dont plan to go gay.

8.If he/she become your enemy,you will?

burn her house. since i know where it is anyway.

9.If he/she become your enemy,the reason will be?


10.The most desired thing you want to do with him/her now?

let her drive me somewhere. i wanna see whether her driving skills have improved... :P

11.Your overall impression on him/her?
smart, strong, reliable.

12.How you think people around you will feel about you?
I hope they think good things about me.

13.The characters you love of yourself are?

I really dont like to fake who i am. But sometimes also terpaksa la.. kan thats life :/

14.On the contrary,the character you hate yourself are?

Serial procrastinator, indecisive at times, hardly on time and have a reallyyy lousy sense of direction.

15.The most ideal person you want to be is?

Just a happier contented me thats all.

16.For people who care and like you,say something to them..

^____________^ i lobe you.

haha damn retarded sorry.

17. 10 people.

1. aimee 2. angelin 3.miux 4. alan 5. denis 6.alric 7.yi pin 8.jolene 9. yee mun 10. jac

18.Who is no.6 having a relationship with?

I think he recently got himself attached to someone he was pursuing for 2 years. congrats! :)

19.Is no.9 a male or female?


20.If no.7 and 10 are together,will it be a good thing?

Bad. they'd have to be gay.

21.What is no.2 studying about?

Curtin australialand.

22.When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?


23.What kind of music band does no.8 like?

She has this thing for boybands. chinese korean japanese. but more to korean guys.. i mean music.

24.Does no.1 has any siblings?

A little brother who aint little anymore.

25.Will you woo no.3?

Mrwongmk? umm.... :P

26.How about no.7?

Yii piinn? haha we hardly spoke to each other in high school its only recently we talked lah.

27.Is no.4 single?

i think so...alan are you still single?

28.What is the surname of no.5?

Ku. Denisku.

29.What's the hobby of no.10?

Teaching people to say diuleh properly. diiiuleh.

30.Does no.5 and no.9 get along?

not very close...

31.Where is no.2 studying at?

...... pls refer to answer number 21 thank kyu.

32.Talk something casually about no.1

My kambing korban has more ee in her name than anyone else i know.

33.Have you tried developing feelings for no.6?

he's like a brother to me... we used to like to tell random people that we're siblings just to see how they react.

34.Where does no.9 live at?


35.What colour does no.4 like?

alan what color do you like?

36.Are no.5 and no.1 best friends?

They dont know each other.

37.Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?

=.=' What kind of tag is this?

38.What is no.6 doing now?

Relaxing at home I think.

# Daniel's

15 weird things about yourself.

1. People always tell me I look waaay different with specs/without specs. wtf ugly betty meh.

2. I walk kinda funny. Like a penguin.

3. I dont like people to touch my phone. I really really dont like it.

4. I like to sit and observe people in public transport. It calms me down.

5. I dont like shopping malls as much as a girl should.

6. Not having any coffee at home makes me nervous. I need coffee k.

7. I dont like bubble lifts.

8. I learnt to speak late. Before that, I was told I spoke in a weird lingo of my own.

9. People always think I am 23 years old :(

10. I sleep talk almost every night. Its gets on my old roommates nerves.

11. I always misplace things. everything.

12. Almost every time I try to go for a haircut, the shop always closes for some random reason. CONSPIRACY!

13. I learnt to say diuniaseng when i was 3 years old. awww.

14. I can write backward??

15. I never went clubbing before. Or have actually got really drunk. Yet I have worked in a bar. And can make stuff to make you drunk. So yeah, go figure.

Oh yeah.. I TAG NO ONE. But if you wanna do the tag.. go ahead.
