
Its disheartening to see how matters turn out sometimes. Its like those sunny mornings which turn out stormy in the end. Half boiled eggs that came out more runny then you wanted them to be. Coffee that smells right but ended up tasting funny. Its like listening to a catchy intro on the radio before realizing the whole song is sucky.

Gosh I sound anal. Sorry but I cant another way to put this.

Ok time to divert your attention. People, focus on the cute kid in pink. My one and only cousin (No serious) An absolute natural in front of the camera. I flash out the camera and she poses immediately :)  I say, "gimme another pose" and she quickly obliges.

For awhile we went "pose!" snap. "pose!" snap. "pose!" snap.

My aunt laughs in the background, exclaiming "wow the diva so layan you one!"

This was taken two chrismasses ago, kinda obvious if you look at the date stamp. And the chistmas tree. lol.

Found this just now while looking at ancient pictures. It seems like it was only yesterday. Time passes so fast. In between then and now so many things have happened. Sometimes I still think Im still reeling from shock from the random turn of events. Its like someone have turned the chapters of the book too fast and being slow, I still havent really digested it all. Yet wanting to save face, I pretend to have understood it all and head off into the next chapter -_-||

But oh well. 
