Cherish the simple days

I hear you say, "how's the holidays?"
and now I think I can hear myself say "not bad"

Seriously it aint bad despite me sitting at home all the time. After the excitement of the last semester, I think I deserve some quietness.

Some people might think that silence equals to loneliness.
I think this is just probably the greatest misconception ever.

You see, I know some people who are so afraid of being lonely, they stick to people like superglue; talk like machine guns, only pausing to refill their bullets before continuing, rattling on and on like some sort of radio. Heck, some people even like to pass up their daily report. Like seriously, how interested can I be when you tell me that you brushed the same teeth, combed the same hair and took your bath in the same toilet today? Surprise!

And when you decide to avoid talking to these insecure people, they'll tell you that you are so anti social.

like HUH?

Dont get me wrong. I like talking. But I also value having my own space. Silence is golden sometimes.

I took alot of pretty photos today. Here's my favourite. The model is my sis. I bribed her =p

Underage drinking doesnt get you anywhere. haha!