Abstract is beautiful.

Her eyelids was closed momentarily as she takes in a deep breathe. And then exhaled slowly. An act not caused by anger, by frustration, by worries.... in fact, the root of that particular act was not caused by any particular negative emotion.

For that breath she just exhaled, made her felt almost........ relieved.

Perhaps she really made of stronger stuff than she thinks she is made of. For she is made of quiet memories, of happy laughter, of faded photographs of smiling people she loves, of wasted tears which never flow anymore, of silent remorse, of simple hopes, of unrewarded optimism, of unrealistic daydreams, unrepented mistakes, unfulfilled birthday wishes, unspeakable truths which she refrains from talking about, of messy bedrooms which she had lived in before, of doodles which she draws on her books when she is thinking, of people she had met before, of places which she had traveled to.

Neither perfect nor terribly imperfect, she is just like everyone else. Unique.
Neither too lovable nor too loathable, she is just like everyone else. Special.
Neither terribly euphoric nor too depressed, she is just like everyone else. Balanced.
Neither a savant nor an idoit, she is just like everyone else. Blessed.

And she'll continue to take cautious little footsteps on the path of life. Just like how her parents had taught her to walk. A small step at a time. Never rushing yet not stopping to compare, to discriminate or to judge. Perhaps she shall falter, fall and procrastinate abit. Or be distracted by pretty shiny things. But eventually, she will get where she wants.

This post is for all the beautiful women in my life.
