Of destiny and floating oranges.

Yesterday, I was dragged off by wen li to go to Tanjung Harapan to join in with the chap goh meh celebrations.

For those who are reading this and going "wtf, chap goh meh need to celebrate one meh?", well let me do a little explaining on what people do on chap goh meh.

Okay, here goes nothing.

Once upon a happy time, probably too many centuries ago, before the invention of TV and internet and other happy things, people were really desperate for some entertainment. ANY kind of entertainment. You know, something to make themselves busy. Because staring at the moon too long just looks too emo.

People were so mou liew that they decided they need 15 days to celebrate the coming of spring. Which is a pretty good idea actually, at least they are left with 350 boring days rather than 265 boring days without entertainment. Yay! =)

Anyway, this causes unnessasary pressure of the less affluent and the single. Cause although primitive chinese do not have mercedes to show off, they have 4 people carrying them up and down everywhere. 4 pairs of legs vs 4 wheels.

The singles feel pressured cause each time the relatives see them, they are bugged to get attached. So many stupid dumb young people become so emo they threw themselves into the yangtze or yellow river. But some smart ass fellow who obviously did not want to die and did not like eating mandarin oranges changed it all.So she wrote her name on a mandarin orange and threw it into river. Very symbolic if you ask me.


Then at that moment, some random hungry guy was feeling hungry and saw the orange float pass. So he picked it up. The girl was damn bengang, why la this idoit go pick up her orange which she so symbolically threw into the river. So she decided to march up to him to give him the lecture of the century.

Manatau, when she got there, she took one look at the fellow and melted. Tak larat nak marah sudah. cause he looked too much like edison chen. And we all know edison chen has a way with the ladies. He is cute and he knows how to use it.

And erm.. so they hooked up. Yay.
(insert rainbows and air supply music)

Other people saw this and thought it was cool. Even then, humans were attracted to polluting their rivers. Perhaps thowing bits of edible food into river was deemed very rebellious then. And we all know teenages love to rebel. =p

Old people thought it was a waste of food initially. But after they realised that you can get a great guy in exchange for a piece of not-so-fresh mandarin orange, they decided it was worth it.

So worth it that some women secretly threw oranges into the river when their husbands arent looking.
And the husbands,of course, were picking up oranges when their wives arent looking.

All is fair in the game of love. hehe

And so concludes my short story.
Sorry I was bored. Bear with me.

Ps: The celebrations at Tanjung Harapan damn "happening". Everyone was just crowding around to watch mandarin oranges float pass. and the whole stretch of road is like some sort of club when some lala zhais decided to show off the quality of their subwoofers.

Cause apparently they think chicks dig subwoofers more than oranges now.

The only thing I like was the "kong ming" lanterns.You know, the kind which people often mistaken for UFOS.

UFO!!.. erm I mean kongming lanterns!

Pss: I didnt throw any orange. Figured my destiny does not rest in the hands of an orange. Besides I dont like to waste food.

Psss: Sorry no pictures, my pc baru reformated takde bluetooth software.

Pssss: Thanks for the advice for my earlier post. And I think I'll just stick to keeping silent. Like angelin said, it really isnt about whether what you do or not do or say. Its whats best for now.

Besides, if those two were made for each other, they'd be together eventually, whether through divine or earthly intervention.

Cause although as skeptical as I am as cynical as I try to be, I really really do believe in destiny.

Happy belated chap goh meh people!

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