photography 101. camwhore 101.
Weather was too sweltering and boredom was getting too excruciating as well. Thus, decided to drag my sister out for a bicycle ride near home. Took the camera along as well since I figured I'd snap pictures when I got bored.

Best decision I made in awhile.
Didnt have so much fun with my sis in a looong time.
We have pretty contrasting personalities to put it simply.
and ah well blood is thicker than water lah.


It was fun naming the pictures we took.

Bollywood dreams

The I wanna travel the world picture.

Candid shot whereby mei kay discovered malaysia and realised singapore is missing.

She then looked further left and realised Sri Langka has disappeared as well. So was the north and south pole. Which in the end she concluded that the map was a prediction of what would happen if global warming actually happens.

(ice caps from north and south pole melts and thus all the tiny islands will disappear into oblivion. happy news indeed)

My sis's suggestion is even more brillant: "aiyah, just add a pebble to represent singapore lah"

It kinda sounds sad.

The emo kid picture.

She calls this the "I am perasan" picture.

Lakeside pictures

Balancing is so not in our genes.

Last but not least, my favourite picture of ourselves. Kay and Yin. :)

This will be the first part since I am kinda tired. Second part-scenary photography.

I love taking pictures lah. Haih some one please sponsor me a DSLR!! I promise I shall be nice. I might even refrain from swearing and stop consuming coffee for half a year :)

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