This is a community message:

Please usher in your new year in a sober state. Dont break your resolutions (at least not so soon.. on the first day, especially if your new year resolution is to drink less).

If you are going to countdowns, dont mind the jam there, dont mind the annoying human who is blocking your view during the fireworks, dont mind the people pushing you around in the crowd, dont mind the jam back, dont mind random people blaring their hons at you, and when you reach back home, dont mind that overenthusiastic neighbour (everyone has one in their neighbourhood) who will fire enough fireworks to keep you awake til 3am. Dont mind the sohai ah bengs who annoy you with their noise (talk loud, stereo loud, hair color louder). Last but not least, dont mind the mat rempits hollering happy new year at you as they ride pass your car (while you are stuck in the jam)

Happy New Year!

love, mk.
(I know a picture of myself is really unnecessary and totally unrelated but bear with me okay? :)

Ps: check this out. totally made my day more um interesting.

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