Mom's quotable.

"Assumptions. keep them to yourself, give people the benefit of the doubt, look beyond the surface. If people change, lets try to hope that they'll come to their senses and get back on track soon and if they dont, well, there's a reason why people change. the reason is called circumstances.

Be open minded. If the change is for the better, than embrace it. If it isnt .well, I suppose being friends we'd have to come to accept that things arent the same, you move on with life, and hope that maybe perhaps one day if you all suddenly bump into each other on the streets you'd still be able to sit on the same table and have a cup of coffee. Its not the end until you decide it is. "

(mk's mom, on friendship, 2009)

Mom, here my viewpoint on judging of change:

People should just try to put themselves in other's shoes before judging. before deciding what is black or white. what is right or wrong. because there are many things in life which are gray in color.many things which are neither right or wrong but more towards grabbing random chances and seeing if it works for you.

I dont know why Im suddenly writing about this, but i suppose everyone can relate to this. Coming of age, different backgrounds, different viewpoints, different lifestyles and being in different places. They all cause gaps between people. Its a gradual process. It was a conversation I had with her after this argument we had over the effects of shifting schools too much.

She sure did shut me up. fast.
All hail the wise one.

Oh yeah mothers day is coming up. Please dont forget and then go submit an FML entry on FML if your mom burnt your dinner "accidently". id have no mercy and click YDI (you deserved it).

Your life isnt fucked. You fucked it up yourself.

Okay, here's something you can do, try to think of something quotable which your mom had said/adviced you before and put it on your blog. Might be silly, mundane or funny, just as long as you found it memorable. Go :)

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