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Wahai fellow readers,
I've come to a conclusion today while sitting the ktm.

I've decided I'm officially leading a nomadic lifestyle.
so technically I'm a nomad

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without the camel of course

So can say that the public transport has become a vital part in my life now. Not that I'm complaining. Nope. I like using the ktm and Lrt. I like observing people. Not in a stalker way of course but I find it interesting to sit back and observe others and blank out my thoughts about myself and well, anything that relate to me.Basically get away from myself for awhile.

Am I making sense?
if it does, good.
if not.... read on anyway. I don't plan to get anymore confusing.
Life's confusing enough without me confusing it anymore.

Anyway, I noticed a trend amongst ktm/lrt users in our country. Seems to me many public transport users have unusually high levels of affection towards their handphones and pdas. I love my phone with all its metallic slendor and all but heck, I've seen people who can sms all the way from klang to KL central.

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might as well surgically attach to fingers la.. then sleep also can sms

This isn't really all that annoying, at least they are minding their own business. somemore can exercise the fingers Now another group which I'm inclined to name them as hand phone flashers are worst.

I know its normal to sayang your beloved piece of metal when its brand new, sparkly,unscratched and basically untouched. Especially when it still has a layer of plastic still covering the screen. You go through bouts of euphoria just OPENING the packaging. You bring it EVERYWHERE. You show it to EVERYONE. You go into hysterics when it gets scratched. You are afraid of even leaving it unattended for a SECOND in case it suddenly does a houdini act. aduhai, sound like treating handphone like lou poh.

I call this post-newhandphone syndromne. It affects all, young and old. Thankfully, the effects wear off after several weeks after usage of said handphone.

That is if you are normal. However, there are still those who are inclined to hang their handphones around their neck or their wrist and play the same song in their playlist FULL BLAST OVER AND OVER AGAIN even though the model is slightly older. For god sake, did nokia/sony errisson/motorola pay you a fat cheque to advertise their sound systems??!!

Then there are those annoying people who use RINGTONES for their sms-es. Eh, RINGTONES are for CALLS. Not blardy sms-es!! Some people even have the nerve to continue sms-ing numerous times and set volume at max!! GRR! Some even pretend to 'misplace' their phones just to get attention to their super yeng true tone handphone. Enough la, no big deal, even aunties use k800i now

With cameras in built into phones now, a small minority even start ji-pai-ing in the ktm/lrt when bored. Sigh, camwhores just can't resist any opportunity to snap a picture of themselves. Never get sick of own face meh??

Gosh. As usual, I've written far more then i initially wanted. I'm signing off now. I don't care if this seems abrupt. I'm not big on ideas when I'm sleepy. So goodnite! or good morning, whichever is applicable
