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Fear of being lazy.

With rob thomas seranading voice in the background, the cloudy weather and having no one in the living room,thus forcing me to display
enough productivity to make a pig proud. ISH.

Blame it on the weather. Cloudy rainy days make me feel laid back and sleepy. Thank god I am not born in england. like that sure die lo.

Okay la. AT LEAST did something rather productive today which I think hopefully enriches my knowledge and perspective of the crazy beings around us.


AND I READ THE WHOLE LIST. hahaha!!! damn panjang you know?
and went like wtf-ed wtf-ed and WTF-ED!!
here are some wtf-ed phobias what would make you go wtf and wonder wtf is wrong with world.

Air swallowing- Aerophobia.
huh? why would you wanna swallow AIR to begin with?

Body, things to the left side of the body- Levophobia.
Body, things to the right side of the body- Dextrophobia.

0.o imagine a person with this problem driving... then imagine him/her driving in taiping or batu pahat town.

Bathing- Ablutophobia.
this is so gross.

Beautiful women- Caligynephobia
yup. Who wouldn't after watching Malaysia's most beautiful?

Being close to high buildings- Batophobia
afraid of depressed suicidal people falling on you if you go too near huh?

Dreams, wet- Oneirogmophobia.
omg! You aint getting a comment for this.

Eating or food- Sitophobia or Sitiophobia.
I think nicole richie can relate to this.

Erect penis- Medorthophobia.
HAHAHAHAHA! and you would think most people would prefer their 'friend' to be
upward bound? :P

Pope- Papaphobia.
....... why papa? Isn't that what you call your DAD?

Money- Chrometophobia or Chrematophobia
ahem. If anyone of you have this depressing, uncurable and no doubt really
unbearable phobia, please feel free to call my toll-free hotline which is
open 24 hours a day and i'll gladly take the burden off your chest :)

Good news, hearing good news- Euphobia.

666, number- Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
Please take a deep breath before saying this.

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Thankfully, some made sense to me:

School, going to school- Didaskaleinophobia.
Spaces, confined- Claustrophobia.
Tests, taking- Testophobia.

weird thing is, there is nothing about fear of maths or add maths!!!

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IF YOU LIKE THE whole list, you can buy it somemore!

I dunno why anyone would buy it. Stare at it everyday and decide that 'oh yes, I am actually testophobic, claustophobic, didaskaleinophobic, isolophobic and Atychiphobic' YAY!

Hmmph.. but only for the US. What la, is the person suffering from Xenophobia?

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