Lectures on life

Been looking back on my past entries and I realised that my entries are becoming more and more self absorbed. Me, me and more me.


Tsk, its like watching a one woman soap opera.
Albeit a very very boring soap opera.
Well, I say enough.

Thus today, I shall NOT be taking anything that has to do with me. Instead I will be talking about the random interesting/thoughtful/funny/stupid things which my lecturers have said during their classes. This list of course is complied through memory and is randomly arranged cause I have very selective memory. Especially for remembering nonsensical things.

Okays here goes nothing.

"Today we shall be talking about Taufu debts and Char Siew interest"


"FAMA bank!"

-Quote Mr Soo, Intro to Accounts Lecturer, Semester 1

LOL. I'll always remember this guy. Funny man, though has an uncanny way of wandering off topic and mispronouncing some words. The classic mistake will be the one above.

Initially I thought he was mad, suddenly going off about food. Then I realised he was talking about DOUBTFUL debts and Charge YOU interest.

By the end of the class I was really lusting over the thought of char siew rice and taufu. =.=''

Oh yeah, FAMA isnt a new unheard agricultural bank. Its actually is: FAMA bank= Father Mother Bank.


"The figures about how well the economy is doing now is actually fake. All the beautiful figures we see in the papers are fake. You know why? People now take loans for everything. For example like you people. During my times, there wasnt such a thing as study loans. Its either you study or you work. This is why people nowadays are so stressed. You are all coming into society with debts. And feel the burden of repaying it. Which indirectly explains why people are getting married later and later these days. They are always rushing to repay one loan after another. "

-Quote from one of the economics lecturer. I think its the macroeconomics lecturer.

Its pretty long, but I remembered it well cause what was said actually made alot of sense. Made me think for awhile actually. Most of us are already burdened with so much before we come into the work force.


"As freshies into the work force, people will always ALWAYS ask you to do stupid things. Like making your boss's coffee. And we all know that is the coffee ladies' job. And you dont want to do that dont you? Now here are some ideas on how to make your boss drop the whole idea"
-Quote Ms Chin, Intro to Human Resource Management lecturer, Semester 3

Then she went on the tell us 3 ways which is avoided making coffee for THE boss.
1. Pretended she was busy with paper work.
2. Made the coffee too bitter.
3. Made the coffee too sweet.

I actually like her alot as a lecturer. She always had stories to tell about her experiences when she work. Three words I would describe her in would be: Sharp, witty and sarcastic. And she's so brillant she speaks almost every language imaginable except mandarin wtf.


"Promoter is the one who does anything that is needed to form a company. So a promoter is like a mother who does anything that is needed to form her.. erm child."
(awkward pause)
-Quote Ms Anne Vergis, Company Law lecturer

Not really her exact words la, but something along the lines as this. I had to choke back a sudden impulse to laugh madly when she said it. Unintentional as it was, it came out sounding so wrong.
She must have realised it as well, cause of the momentary pause she made. Fortunately for her, everyone was too busy copying to notice it.

Abit out of character for her so say such a thing la. Cause she's really good most of the time. Cant beat them law lecturers, cause they are very sharp. You'd probably lose horribly if you got into an argument with them.

Moral of the story:
Dont mess with law lecturers.


"BN=Barang Naik!"
-Quote This semester's Fundamentals of Finance lecturer.

He told us his student told him this one.
Yeah right.


"Correct me if I am wrong"
-Quote Mr Johan Lim, Business Management Lecturer.

This line is a classic Johan Lim phrase. A lecture without this phrase is just not a Johan Lim lecture. I noticed he likes saying this while raising his eyebrows. Correct me if I am wrong.

About Johan Lim. Smart guy with a sense of humour. And can be sharp with his choice of words. Winked at me before when I said hi to him in the canteen. omgwtf

Initially thought he was a malay fellow due to his name. Manatau saw this fair chubby chinese guy walk into our lecture hall and declaring himself as Johan. lol


Cant think of anything else now. Will have to try to remember more and (perhaps. Just perhaps) compile a second part to this post.

If you all recall anything interesting your past lecturers said, please tell me. I want to kehpoh.

Strikes me funny how some lecturers have more impact on us then others. Most just come and go, leaving us with tons of homework but imparting nothing to us about lessons about life. Leaving shallow footsteps in our memories which will eventually fade into oblivion..hmm

Oh yeah, I am fine already now btw.

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