Do I look like a shrink?
This is a bitchy post.

I mean, come on-I think too much for my own good, rely on coffee like its a form of life support system, over analyze matters a little too much, speak too bluntly, think too obscenely, and say inappropriate things at inappropriate times. Okay in my own defense, I do occasionally (please take note of the importance of this word) say things that remotely makes sense. But that is a rarity.

Thus, I ask myself what could it be that is making that woman call me almost everyday to complain about her rocky problems with her bastard of a boyfriend? Once I managed to unglue my ear from the phone by excusing myself, she smses me with more updates on her relationship. Eh? And when I log online, she spots me and continues updating me.

Arghhh what is this what the hell!

Do I look like a marriage/relationship counsellor?
Do I look like I want to listen for the tenthousandth time that "I think he is the one and i love him because..... blahblahblahhhhla BUT he told me today blahblahblahblah. I feel sad/angry/tired/ignored. And I want to break up with him BUT (start reading from the start of the first sentence again)"

Again I repeat myself, Argghh what is this what the hell?

Maybe its because I am good at shutting up, half listening, nodding my head and saying "ohhh", "uh huh", "yeah?" "damn" "wtf stupid bastard" at regular intervals.

Okay I am fine with listening to people rant once in awhile. Everyone needs somewhere to let that frustration go. Be it ranting to someone or (like me) ranting it all out in the form of words. But please dont overuse that privilege lah.

Wait, I just realized, you hardly ever ask me how I am. Or listen to me. Its all about you. Have you realized that? Yes although I do hate talking about my problems because when I do, I just go emo and and rant and rant and rant nonstop. Then I punctuate my rants with stupid rhetorical questions which no one can answer. And I think I kinda make people feel bad in some strange twisted way.

But at least have the courtesy to ask how I am.
I can just say "I am fine"
And I'll let you complain to kingdom come because I am just that nice... Sometimes.

I think everyone has a friend like this.

You know, the kind of people who will never be happy because they just CHOOSE to be unhappy. Almost everything might be going right in their life and they'll tell you they are just so miserable -.-||

Aisheh.... Come on chicken littles, the sky is still blue and its not falling on you anytime soon.
