Reading between the lines.


People tell me Im doing fine now.

why is it
that i cant hear the words
which i yearn to hear
in person?
why is it
that i keep hearing the words
which i want to turn a deaf ear to
all the time?


They tell me I did fine.

Some kids grow up because they want to.
Some kids grow up because they have to

Which kid are you?

Last year, I was the kid in the latter line.


They tell me I will do fine.

Screwing up. Its okay cause people screw up occasionally. I just screwed up more often than usual last year thats all. I shall not be stupid and tell you I shall not screw up this year, cause screwing up is human nature. I just want to screw up less. I think thats a humble enough resolution.


So between which lines did you choose to read me?
Which lines do you choose to read the people around you?

Some would rather go with the huge words while some read the fine print. Those people who matter the most are the ones who have read your fine print.

And stayed.

And yes, I do like taking shots of my feet/my shoes. Its an unexplainable habit of mine. No, I do not have a fetish for feet. or shoes for that matter. just in case you misunderstand..

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