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Lately my life has been pretty ironic. What I have initially planned to do didn't become a reality. What happened are things that I didn't, and probably couldn't even imagine in my wildest dreams. Like wearing an ala Steven Chow's 'dou san' coat :P Ok. Enough said. You may now close your jaw and subsequently continue to read.

Okay. Thank you.


Arent students supposed to be less stressed compared to their working counterparts?
So why are students doing bungy jumps off menara alpha without the strings or start swallowing panadols like mad? Yes, it has happened before here.

Yesterday, while chatting to a friend who lives in the tarc hostel, I found out that there is a girl who has been missing since last friday. Apparently, she went off in the middle of the night in her pyjamas without bringing ANYTHING along and vanished like how money dissapears from my purse. POOF!

Then datang itu orang orang besar-besaran to tarc hostel together with all reporters and para pat poh. Yes,tarc hostel was a very 'happening' place at that time.

Halfway through the press conference,her brother found her in KLCC park. WTFness!

Okay. Failing is terrible. It really does make you wanna bite down on your tongue HARD til u taste your own blood. But of course, we THINK, we do not ACT.

I am not saying that exams are not important. They ARE dammit! But not to the extent of killing yourself or going into a missing in action mode. Do you think running away solves EVERYTHING? The most is that you get your pretty face plasted on STAR paper's nation section, and I cannot gurantee if its on the first page. Unless you are a amber chia lookalike/ genius/ connected to some happy people (Yang Bahagia) or maybe your tale is damn controversal, like the mongolian model case. gosh, we DO live in a twisted world after all!

What about your family? They didn't raise you up for 18 years just to see you jump off a building!! What if you are the only child? Can you forgive yourself, EVER, for abandoning your folks due to selfish reasons? CAN YOU?! Even if you have siblings that rival a football team, don't tell me they dont get affected by your actions? Use your common sense people! Problems, sufferings and pain are just part of life's package. But then there is joy,hope,love, triumphs and laughter to make up for that!!

kesimpulan :
Some people should grow a head.

p.s:Sorry about the pendahuluan, isi-isi and kesimpulan. I am having BM lessons later. Need to get the hang of rumusan again. sigh.

P.s.s:despite my life is filled with so much IRON-Y these days, I do not have enough iron in my blood to donate blood. WTF-ness.

P.s.s.s: Sorry for temporarily abandoning my blog. Just so freaking busy lately. Not to say i didn't try. I have things to blog about. But everytime I sit in front of the pc, my whole head goes blank. Tired.

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