Ten thousand why-s

Human beings are very keh-poh things. We love to mind people's business too much, poking our annoying noses into things that have absolutely no connection with us. For most part, we will only know how to tarik diri (sorryla cant remember the english word for this) when our little noses get burnt by very cross people.

Correct not?

I used to be very keh poh as a kid. To the point when it annoyed my parents so. I would always ask them questions which they cant answer, dont want to answer or prefer not to answer.

eg: "why is the sky blue?"

Thankfully, I am much much better now. After all, my nose had received its fair share of burns.

Yet still, being true to human nature, I still ask why. Albeit I ask more reasonable ones... like,

Why is Wai Keh sitting on a CHAIR in lecture hall when there are benches? And where the hell did the chair come from?

Yes, he's a saujanian. My ex-classmate in form 1 Usaha and currently is my coursemate. I dont recognize him the first time I saw him. He on the other hand, was like "mei kay ah?" Omigosh I have such bad memory.

Why are the toilets in Canteen 1 so bloody SHORT? If I tiptoe, I can actually SEE the cubicle beside me. And I am not really that tall. or maybe its because people in the past are shorter? Yeah, I take photos in toilets. Shhhh!

Why did it rain in the tutorial room last month? Or more like HOW?

Why are they asking us to walk gently? As far as I know, college students do not stomp up the stairs like a heard of raging hippos. We walk like dignified adults. =p

ok.. so I lied. We still make a hell lot of noise going up and down the stairs.

But asking us to step gently is so amusingly cute. Cause the stairs are very kukuh. Unlike the ones in saujana, which cracked after a few years.

Maybe they should think of putting this sign up in my old secondary school. hmmph..

Now why didnt they think of this?

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