I need a happy meal. NOW
A busy week full of meetings, assignments and snappy people.

Sorryla people for the lack of updates lately. Second year seems to be so much more busier than ever with all the assignments, presentations and activities to help organize.

Gosh, I wish I had more hours each day. You know, to sleep. I havent been getting enough sleep lately. =(

Due to my current state of sleepyness thus causing my head to feel extremely wooly, please excuse me for not trying to attempt a long and insightful entry. Any attempt to do so would probably result in an extremely bimbo entry.

Anyway, yesterday, we celebrated another two in one housemate birthday. AGAIN. Why so many mothers so syok must choose this month to lahir anak?

Revolutionary discovery: Birthday cakes arent baked. They are fried.

Birthday babies people. Happy Birthday Kiwi and Chuan Chuan.

Housemates way of showing our appreciation towards each other.
Friendship stars are so outdated. Middlefinger circles are the best.
need I mention that it was my idea =p

I need to run off to sleep. Good morning, it's four am.

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