Good friends appreciate your jokes. A great friend appreciates your silence

Lately, I've been in a company in a group of extremely talkative people. Although it is nice to have a nice flow of conversation, sometimes, the competitiveness of the whole process just tires me out.

Before you conclude that I am being a oversensitive bitch who sees everything in a negative light, please let me explain myself.

Competitiveness is good. But really, sometimes I think some people are really going overboard to prove themselves too much that it gets to my nerves due to the whole 'try too hard' nature of the whole senario.

Its like, look at me me me! C'mon people,LOOK!

Sometimes I think the best of friends do not always need to talk to each other. Yet they understand each other. There's no need for all the daily messaging and calling or the several thousand friendster messages telling them that you care. Cause they know fully and bloody well that you do. And no matter what, will always be there beside you.

Cause real friendship goes beyond insecurities and words. Isnt it nice when you know that you are appreciated on your happy days and sad days; Good hair days and bad hair days; Slim days and fat days, And days when you feel crappy for no particular reason?

I was told by my own mother that I'd make a good phychologist. Cause I can make pure nonsense sound like they actually make sense.

You know what, I absolutely agree with her =P