First Post of 2008 whey!

Happy new year folks!
Yes, its official. Its 2008!
And since I last check the world hasnt collaped,
the internet lines are still working,
and terrorists havent decided to bomb our neighbourhoods.

In fact, the clock reads 12:15 as I am typing.
I can hear the fireworks whizzing away and going off in the distance.
All night people have been asking me the same question on msn:

"eh did go countdown?"
to which I have provided the perfect answer:
"my new year's resolution is to be a good girl this year. Need to start practicing now."

First song of the year: Goo Goo Dolls's Better days cause the lyrics seem rather auspicious and appropriate.

The first thing I did: this year was to open up an account on deviant art.


Yay to me!
Somehow I feel good for accomplishing something on the first minute of the year.

And of course what is new year without resolutions?
This year, I'll not be long winded and bore the pants off of you guys. So I have put my resolutions in drawing. Unlike my crazy past resolutions, my resolutions this year are pretty simple and rough. Not too easy, but somewhat obtainable. I just hope I have the determination and not procrastinate.

Here it is!
Now go crack your heads figuring what I drew. HAha.

bigger circles signify bigger priorities, meaning they are more important.
Wanna go out yum char with housemate now.

Happy New Year again!

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