Running around in Autopilot mode

Everytime I sit the monorail, I would have this unusual habit of staring at the drivers seat, especially when its on autopilot mode. I have no idea why, haha maybe its because I have do not have enough trust in machines and have the constant fear that the damn monorail will lose control, run off its tracks and

Anyway, while staring at the driver's seat and just thinking about all the things that have been happening in my life recently, I came to a conclusion that so far, most of the things in my life have been decided on autopilot mode. Its as if I had decided to be lazy and just let things take its natural course. The come what may attitude. Doesnt mean I dont try, just most of the time I dont know what I am doing everything for or lack the focus to continue what I have initially planned. I let things get to me too much sometimes.

"times are hard when things have got no meaning"
appropriately sung by Oasis in their song Stand By Me.

I am so changing the settings on the way things will be running now. I have grown too reliant on autopilot. From now on, I'll take control of my own life.

I hope I can do it.
For now, all I can say is Focus, mei kay. Focus.
