A camwhore post!

People, please be warned that extreme camwhoring will be seen if you decide to scroll down. Please proceed at own risk, you have been warned. Thanks.


are you sure? If your answer is Yes, please proceed.


really really sure? You still have chance to escape you know.


wah you are serious.

Okayla, this post will feature the camwhoring antics of Sam. Sorryla if you are disappointed, but if you know me well enough, you'd figure that it is impossible for me to be a camwhore queen anyway. A picture or two would be fine, but I am not narcissistic.

Anyway, why the sudden entry dedication to Sam? Well, yesterday marks the 3rd year we adopted her from scpa. So yeah, technically its her birthday!


Can you spot the very vain bitch?

Furry paws.

That idiot still cant tell which paw is left or right no matter how many times we try to teach her.

emo buddy.

*sniff. Yeahla, my sister is one big bully. Thats why my dog goes all emo and attempts to bite my sisters ass sometimes. (seriously)

Melty look. We have learnt that this normally means that she is hungry.

Its been three years.
Gosh, the puppy we took back home has now turned into this big lump of laziness/greediness.

haih. What have we done?

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