Random choices. Not so random outcomes

Several grandmother entries ago, I did a tag where I was asked whether I think more on the past, the present or the future. And I answered I thought more of the past and the future. But less on the present. Weird right?

Cause logically I should be thinking of the present more. Cause the past is already set and the present is its result. And if I do not get the present done right, the future I've been dreaming of could very well be as real as a oasis in a desert. Then 'poof!' everything I had imagined or planned would disintegrate into fine sands and be blown off along with a sudden gust of wind.

Ironic. Just really ironic.

Lately people from my past have been popping out of nowhere (like dasies!)from facebook. Gosh I love facebook. It make friendster seem so lala. Familiar names yet unfamiliar faces. We have a similarity: We shared a same past.

Yet,we are taking such different paths in the present.
So many different places. Like dandellions when you blow on them.

Nah dandellions.

Maybe I shouldnt compare. But I have been mulling through that thought for awhile now. What it is indefinately true: What choices we make in our past will affect today. The choices made were perhaps not by us. Yet they have some power to influence the paths which we are on now.

I suppose we all have been at crossroads. And at that point you ponder. You think and you wonder.. if the choices you made is correct? And yet, make a decision you must.It always seem hard at first. But we survive. And we continue hesitantly at first... and gain our confidence with every step we take. But somewhere along the way, we being normal human beings begin to doubt ourselves. The words "why when what who how?" seem to settle comfortably in the infinite space of our thoughts then.

I was stuck at that phrase for a looooong time.

Now, I think I have come to terms with the path I am on. I have met many great people along the way. And will (hopefully) continue doing so.

the spontaneous fun loving. (anyone want textbooks?)

The hardworking studious kinds.

and even twinnies! (Retarded looking twins anyway..)

and of course other great great people who I havent got the chance to take a picture. And of course some of my high school friends.

I should savour the present more =)

My mom has recently found out the existance of this blog. She gave no comment except "why hiddenmickey?!". Oh well, it changes nothing anyway...hahahaha.. just wanted to share that piece of info only.

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