The difference between being here and there
Been there, done that? Hmm...

Looking at my past posts, I have came upon the realisation that hidden-mcky will eventually turn into a photoblog if I dont make some ammendments and start typing some stuff.

Its funny, thinking about it, first my blog is all words, then after getting my camera phone, I added pictures, then this obcession with pictures start and I end up with too many photo entries!!!


With all the discussion about Mr Astronaut, or some people might digress and say that he is NOT an astronaut (cause all he did was sit still during the launch) and label him as a cosmonaut. Even more humiliating would be the term space tourist, cause they say the goverment sponsored his RM 20 million backpack trip to space.

Our politicians must really love coffee alot.Hmm..

So many labels. So many names.
Aiyo. Malaysians ah, very confused bunch of people.

The thing is, sometimes we confuse ourselves with all the publicity about being there. And having done that. Even better is that we have done the task even more brillantly than anyone else.

Malaysia boleh! whee~!

But seriously, are we there yet? Not that I am pouring torrents of ice water on the topic, but there is a difference between being here and actually being THERE. Sure this is a big step, but the coverage had been so immense you'd think that we have discovered a new galaxie altogether!

Now hold that thought.

Perhaps it because he's him. You know, Dr Nescafe model. Smart. Handsome. Altogether, perfect model citizen from the surface. But sadly, not eligible. I am betting he will be more in the future. Does Datuk Dr Nescafe model angkasawan sound fairly enticing? His missus had better watch him well. And watch him well she must.

Malaysia boleh is what we are told to believe. That we can do what we set our mind to. Which is good. With wawasan 2020 driving us on,you'd think we'd be sprinting ahead other developing countries without even running short on breath. Wah...

but sadly wronglah.

We have been here. And there. And still we are stuck with the 'here' thinking. (with 'there' behind ahead) We take too much pride in our own achivements. Bask in them too long. Too vain. Which is too bad.

Malaysian boleh? Jangan terlalu perasan?
