Shards of realisation

These are unusual senarios I have woken up to
1) Shaken up by yelling and screaming of my sister saying "Sam's STUCK in the window grill!!!!"
2) Half suffocating cause someone dumped a wet handkerchief on my face.
3) To: "Kayyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Harry Potter 7!!!!"
4) To Sam licking my face with her horrible morning dogbreath
5) To the tune of the "mickey mouse march"

Yesterday, I woke up to the sounds of broken glass.
Cause I accidently kicked the panes (window nearby mah) and the whole damn thing slipped know.

Anyway, after the mess was cleaned up, my roommate noticed that all the windows were opened. As she remembered, she was the one who shut all the windows last night.

oh fuck.

So she checked her purse and found that she was only left with a measly one ringgit plus. HUH? She had tens the day before!

Oh double fuck.

The total amount she lost: RM40 plus. And a touch and go card.

Okla, not so fucked up.

Then we realised her missing crystal necklace which she lost several weeks ago might not be an 'accident' at all.

oh fuck

Welcome. To. Setapak.

Where mata-mata mata's are probably too congested with mata tahi.
Where occurances such as this is pretty normal.
Where politicians only come and visit when students start dropping dead or nearly get raped.
Where security is just a WORD. People dont act on it.
Where future recurrances of crimes are just waiting to happen.

Perhaps if someone dropped dead tomorrow, people would just notice what an eyesore safety in this place can be.Anyway, I think they would just notice for awhile. And then proceed to forget the whole issue anyway.

After all, Malaysians are like Dory. They have short term memories.

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