Listening to the mute

Things are happening so fast. So intense. Emotions are running high. And somehow, I find myself feeling detached from it all. Not that I mind really, I'd rather be a spectator. A witness to the brutality of the ugliest mask a person a wear. Of spite. Of grudges. Of pettiness.

I will not let myself be dragged into that whirlwind of pure emotion. A build up of anger. For me, there is no joy in proving the guilty sins of others. Justice will come eventually, in its own form and manner. Why do people like to play judge so much? Does it make them feel better off? More rightous? Or do they just like to taste power?

Sometimes, silence can be more powerful than the greatest war waged.
In circumstances, I actually respect those who choose to remain silent than those who lash out at others.
Sometimes, you do not need to agree with the majority.
Sheeps groupthink. Humans are not sheep. In conclusion, we shouldnt groupthink so much.

We all like to think we are part of something. Something big. Bold and perhaps wonderful. In reality, we arent that much better off anyway.

I am a very opinated person I admit. I used to like to express them like it was a religion. Too much. That eventually, I got a little sick of listening to my own narcisstic voice. And frankly, i think others as well. Cause there are cases where the more you express, the more hollow you feel inside.

I still am very opinated. But I think I have learnt to guard my tongue. To shut up when I should. To have more input than output. Does that make me any wiser? I think not. We have all been gifted with a voice. Mute people have voices too.

And sometimes, if we really take the time listen to the mute, I bet they'd have more worthwhile things to say, more lessons to teach you, than listening to people who speak many tongues.

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