Going Retro
Retro 80's- A photoblog

Whhosh. I swear I can almost hear the time just fly by and before I knew it, its already FAU night 2007 which was held yesterday at the dance room at the college hall with this super theme called retro 80s. Congrats to ka cheng and puiyan!

And unless you have the mental capacity of a micoorganism, you'd probably guess what the dress code is like. haha. :D

This is a photoblog. Thus be thankful you are spared from my (sometimes) lenghty and panjang posts. All taken with my handphone, cause apparently my family's digicam doesnt like me very much.. also cant rule out the possibility that I am just too plain stupid to know how to work it. Or both!

Anyway, enjoy la.

sissy (kinda retro) shoes

Blast from the past.

haha. love this pic.
Guess which one isnt an 80s child?
Yes.. apparently someone is born in the 90s.

Gosh, all of a sudden I feel so ancient.

Camwhores annoymous.

Please keep them away from mirrors and cameras.

chinese yoyo yo!
who says they arent cool?
Its super addictive, entertaining and is great exercise to the arms!

I wonder if I can ask santa for one of these for christmas?

Early present exchange.

the number of pins I had stuck in my head.
22 altogether wtf.

Candy, its been great working with you for the past year.
You've always been the stable one between us. Like an older sis.
Hardly judgemental and oh so patient with all the nonsense and trouble I tend to cook up.
All the best to you.

One of the highlights of Nite is the installation of the new exco board. So yeah, all the best to exco board 0708 =)

neh. exco 0708

Let me intro to you: the Vice chairperson and chairperson 2007/2008.

pretty good looking pair ya?

Hmmm.. i suppose that's all. The rest are just too camwhorish anyway. And darnit, I cant seem to get the song viva forever outta my head now since I heard it last night. lol.

Au revior then.

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