Two and a half hour breaks.

The furrowed brows, the frowns that last longer than they should, the spontaneous sighing-I see them everywhere. You can almost feel the atmosphere tense up whenever the topic is brought up, the speech quickens in pace, the tone increases in urgency and ultimately all those emotions make like dying embers and people start to start talking in flat dispassionate tones.

And its because of-
Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.

Everyone feeling a little confused,cross,discontented,constipated and perhaps a little bit weird.

Look what it did to all of us during a two and half hour break prior to our business law class.

Fishing for monkeys.

My" 白马王子 wtf.
Knight in shining armour wtf.


Dunno la what to say

A community message.
Dont drink and drive.

Super addictive japanese drum thingies.
Try the doreamon song.
Very de-stressing.

Gosh, we are an embarrassment to ourselves.
But at least it did lift some of our spirits up.

Two years have just flew by.
We are now at the edge of the next step.
Where to, you ask?
Decision is yours, oh the decision is yours.

I've made mine up.
I know some of you have made yours up as well.

All I know is, I'll miss you guys.

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