Pursuit of happy-ness.
About Happiness TM.

Commercialism is really so rife in today's society. To the point where happiness can be marketed.

Think of it: Happiness has now become a very powerful marketing tool.
Ronald McDonald tells us that happiness can be obtained by purchasing a box which consists of fries, hamburgers and plastic toys.

I dont know about everyone else, but happy meals did work on me.. until I was 12 and decided that I was still starving after the meal. The toy did nothing to help with the hunger.

Stupid puberty.

And cadbury tells us to choose them, cause choosing cadbury means choosing happiness. *insert rainbows and cadbury's song*

Thankfully, cadbury still makes me happy. So I shall continue choosing cadbury wtf.

But come to think of it, ALL chocolates makes me happy. I just prefer cadbury.

NOW, Digi comes and tells us that we can be happy by subscribing to their happy numbers.

Hell yeah.

For those who are too broke for happiness TM, you can always dig in your storeroom for some happy glue*.

*Side effects include seeing mystical creatures such as pixies, fairies and toyols prancing around your garden and lee hom running around naked pass you at random moments of the day. If you're lucky, your teddy bear will start telling you bedtime stories wtf.

Dont we all feel happy already?

haih, sometimes I think the world is two fries short of a happy meal*.

*Please google meaning.

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