Old man in surfer dude pants.

Life never gets boring with you around.

It might get uncomfortable when we dont agree with each other and end up shutting off each other off in silent wars. It might get frustrating when you keep channel surfing when I like to place my loyalty in one channel. It might even be plain disbelief at the times you would treat me like a mister wong you never had and bring me rollerblading, fishing, jungle trekking. It might even get plain weird when we would sometimes analyze hot chicks when the old lady isnt around. Disturbing when you send me lewd forwarded smses. And just plain doubt when you tell me that you have enough exes to fill a whole ktm after office hours. Anger and fear during the occasion when I was coaxed into going kayaking with you only to be swept so far away by the waves that pangkor island looked tiny. we could have died! And shock when we ended up buying the exact same surfer dude pants which was on discount in the hypermart the other day.

Yeah, life is never boring with you around.

I know all dads wanna be superman. Minus the wardrobe malfunction. But in this recent years, I realized that dads, like superman, are less than perfect beings that try so so so hard to be perfect. At least, in the eyes of their kids. But try as they might to do no wrong, they screw up too sometimes.

So you did have your share of screwing up. So what? I never did ask for superman to be my dad.

Happy Father's day.
And I promise to get you more surfer dude pants in the future.
