Part of me died with my C drive.

I have a question for you people. Do you feel sad when your computer gets reformatted and you dont have backup?

I know I do.

A week or two ago, due to the fact that my cpu was making enough noise to wake a whole cemetery, my sister took it to the computer shop to have it checked and guess what, although the problem with my computer was that the fan was old and needed changing, they decided to be 'nice' and reformat my computer's C drive. To make the system run faster I think. Dunno lah I am an idiot when it comes to computers.

So in the end I lost almost two years worth of music. Of pictures. OF MEMORIES.

I am especially pissed about the pictures. Cause I know for music, I can always just redownload them back into my life. But each picture is precious and irreplaceable. For each snapshot captures moments and situations. Some can even trigger back thoughts and emotions. And try as we may, we all know we can never duplicate a picture. Each is unique, distinct and special.

Heres an example.
Thank goodness I didnt dump everything into a folder :)


Photographer: Me.
Models (from front): Char siew, kai shin, the back of mei leng's head, and a very very attentive Kat.
Situation: We were in the lecture hall before our management lecturer walked in. I was fooling around with my handphone's shoot mode (the one where you can take continuous pictures). Since we were bored, I talked her into modeling for me. And the above picture is the result.

Actually, there was this whole bunch of them ridiculous pictures but I didnt managed to salvage them cause I didnt managed to gif-kan them and save them in my other folder. Sniff sob sniff.

I am so going to print my pictures....

On the other hand, maybe I should get an external hard disk. Or one of those really really cool digital photo frames. I reckon that would be cheaper. =.=''

Damn I wish I wasnt perpetually broke.
Oh well, at least you all know what to get me for christmas/new year/birthday/chinese new year/valentines/hari raya/deepavali/St patrick's day

:) :) :) :)

Forget stuffed animals. I have so many I can start start a zoo liao.
Ps: A DSLR camera would be fine too.

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