Confessions!- a tag

Myth:Tags are mainly crazy bunch of questions aimed at confining creativity usually started by bloggers with a writer's block
Fact: The myth above is true =p

Before I start this tag,I'd like to confess to surfing to check out the mad stuff people actually confessed doing. I confess I have a weird attraction towards black t-shirts, chocolate and I sleep after 3 am everyday during the holidays. Once, I went to sleep just when my sister woke up to go to school.

A Confession to people who have my msn
Current nickname: Please press the reset button on your life and reformat your personality

I confess I do not know where the reset button is.
Neither do I know how to reformat your personality.

So do not bloody ask me where is the reset button with the '=p' at the end of the sentence you dirty minded perverts!

[x] Talked back to a teacher.
[x] Been kicked out of class. as well as been forced to stand for 2 whole periods facing the notice board, hair/ear been pulled by teacher... er. I should shuddup now..
[ ] Worn pajamas to school.
[ ] Had your tooth fall out at school.
[x] Gotten lost in your school. college!
[x] Broken the dress code in school.
[ ] Completely failed a test.
[x] Left class without asking.
[x] Missed a whole week of school. one whole month in primary one. Long story
[ ] Thrown up in school.
[ ] Been beat up at school.

[x] Argue with your parents a lot. quite
[ ] Argue with your brother(s) a lot. none
[x] Argue with your sister(s) a lot. sometimes
[x] Have your own room.
[x] Do your own laundry at college
[ ]Cook dinner once in a while.
[x] Are loud and obnoxious at home.rather
[x] Wear pyjamas when you are not going anywhere.: sometimes, almost the whole day. comfy wert
[x] You sleep in very long. depends
[ ] All you do is watch television.
[ ] Your parents are divorced.
[ ] your family makes you cry alot.
[x] One or both of your grandparents live with you.sometimes my grandma
[ ] You can't stand being with your parents

[ ] You currently dislike one or more of your friends.
[ ] You are jealous of one or more of your friends.
[ ] You have known a friend your whole life.
[ ] Your friends are all taller than you.
[ ] You have been ditched by a friend.
[x] You have memorized a friends phone number. before caller ids were invented
[x] You have lost/forgotten a friends phone number.I suck at remembering numbers
[ ] You have been to all of your friends houses.
[x]you love most of your friends.
[ ] You bite your nails.
[ ] You have an odd obsession with knives.
[ ] You cannot sleep with the door closed.
[ ] You cannot sleep with the door open.
[x] There is at least one sound you cannot stand. people who crack their necks
[ ] You write stories about mad cannibalistic serial killers
[x] You are good at telling liesif I want to,yeah.but I hate telling lies. Prefer not to

[ ]You currently like someone.
[ ] You want to kill one of your exes.
[ ]You can stay commited for an unusually long time.
[ ] You get bored of your crush/bf/gf easily.
[ ] A crush/bf/gf has called you a bitch before.
[ ] A crush/bf/gf has called youself-centered before.

[x] You hate George Bush.
[x] Abortion is horrible and should be illegal.
[x] Gay marriage is fine by you.
[x] Boys make better friends than girls do. some.
[x] The beach is an excellent place for a date. the beach is an excellent place for ANYTHING
[ ] Pink is an ugly color.
[x] Needles aren't so horrible. they arent
[ ] Human flesh tastes like fine aged veal
[x]You have plenty of secrets. ay, a mysterious one, I am to strangers

[x] Fallen up the stairs. up or down? both ways also got
[ ] Someone has tied your shoelaces together.
[x] Had a nail fall off. HALF a nail
[ ] Captured, Manipulated, or Destroyed a soul by Ars Falcis
[ ] Had surgery
[x] Slapped someone across the face.just playful slap
[ ] Killed someone.
[ ] Someone has called you a tease.
[ ] You have been to Europe.
[X] You have worn something inside out for a whole day underwear

Aimee (give face put your name here, even though I know you dont do tags)
Yu Bin
Mei Wei
And anyone who'd like to make confessions la!
