What would you do in the name of beauty?

Vanity. It is listed as one of the seven earthly sins. According to many-vanity also known as pride is considered as the original and the most serious of all the earthly sins(greed,lust,gluttony,sloth,anger and envy).

Its normal to be vain. Face it lah, we are all vain creatures. Lets not be hypocritical, and just accept the fact- WE ARE VAIN. Why the fuck would you have a mirror in your house if you arent? To deter bad spirits? What is the main reason we buy cameras? To take pictures of monkeys picking coconuts? nah. We buy them to take 21734974164 annoying pictures to post in friendster. Or our blogs.

Its normal. Really.
looking back at my old posts, I realised I have indeed become vainer lately. Dont worry, I SWEAR I wont go overboard. Besides, my vain-o-meter still havent reached the point where I start photoshoping every single picture of myself. Dammit,I am me, flaws and all.No freaking way am I hiding the fact that I am not perfect.

A little vanity wont kill. Probably will do us good anyway.
The question is:How far will you go to achieve perfection?

Today, I went to the dentist with my future going to be ex-roommate and coursemate wendy. Mei Wei had to go through the ordeal of having FOUR perfect teeth pulled out within a week just to get the braces on.GOODNESS. Not to mention it'll cost a freaking bomb. In the end of the day, her mouth has gone so numb she cant even close it.aduhai poor thing.

Okay, wearing braces and contact lense are just small ways which we choose to alter our image. No matter how inconvienient it might get sometimes, we'd go through the trouble for the sake of vanity.Nothing big. Just some small improvisation.

Plastic surgery. I have nothing against it. In fact I love watching Nip and Tuck. But then, when you see ancients like demi moore running around in a bikini and the only part of her that is moving is her HAIR, you know its a problem!

Demi to herself:"hair-check, bikini-check,implants-check"

Then this thing with girls and being fat. Most of us ARENT FAT OK? I know many pencil thin girls who think 50 something kg is FAT. Dears, 50 something kg is okay. Its normal! Being at fourty something kg like models is abnormal okay? Thats why most of them only develop boobs when they are pregnant!

Dear god, please make me abnormal. Being normal is just being fat. And I dont wanna be fat!

Body modification. A tattoo or two is fine. Go overboard and you'll look like your friendly neighbourhood ah long. However, my stupid going to be ex-housemate sent me an e-mail today of this so call fad called body implant that gives me the chills. Yeah, there are people in this world who have nothing better to do but put jewelery UNDER their skin.

omgwtf is wrong with her?!

The things people do to achieve what we perceive as beauty.
The ordeal and the pain we do in pursuit of ultimate perfection.
In the end, do you think its worth it?

Vanity is indeed oh so consuming.
