Highlight my life

Exam beckons.
Short semester is almost over.
and I am still blur.
Where did this semester go?!!

Due to the certain orang besaran's birthday on tues, we have to suffer. GAH! Exams are brought forward. Will be sitting for 3 papers this semester.

Saturday - Organizational Behaviour
Wednesday - Business Organization
Saturday - Introduction to Human Resource Management

So far, I like all the subjects taught this semester. But seriously, I was flabbergasted when the lecturer told us exam will start THIS week instead of next. Everyone was like panicpanicpanicpanic.

I should be studying.
And here I am blogging about my need to study and be hardworking.

As they say, pictures paint a thousand words. Enjoy and be amused.

IHRM lecture in dkabd.

Ms Chin and her super confusing mind maps. Looks like I am not the only one who attempted to take a picture of her mind map... hmm

blackout in TBR is normal during exam week. Advice: Study while the sun shines. hahaha!

Mass comm's society's way to attract a crowd. Not bad.

Someone left this in the lecture hall. So pretty... So 'snap!'

I also take pictures of unknowing classmates who fall asleep. In this case, ying erh. I think she dont mind la, since she told me her head looks pretty nice in this picture.

wendy. Concentrating so much on OB she didnt notice me happily snapping away. Respect.

Yvonne thinks nothing about ta-pauing char kuey teow and cold tea to lectures. Win all liao la. Make us all so hungry.

For your imformation, I DO actually listen to the lecturer okay? Just sometimes my hand feels itchy and attempt to snap pictures of the poor objects and people around me.

I REALLY should be studying now.