Securing our safety? SERIOUSLY?
When the pagar makan padi, what can we do?

Yesterday while eating dinner with friends, I was told that a tarcian was nearly raped several days ago. If the story wasnt dramatic enough, oh behold, the person who wanted to rape her was the TAR college's SECURITY GUARD!!!

As in the one who is supposed to be PROTECTING the students from terrorist, suicide bombers, robbers, crazy loonies and YES, RAPISTS??!

Read this or forever rot in hell.

Nia Sing! Since when did it state in their employment contracts that part of their task is to walk around and pervertly stare at pretty students, get horny, start getting ideas and then then attempt to RAPE A STUDENT?

So what if the security guard is reportly a young one, I heard he is just 18 years old. But still, being young have having high levels of hormons do not make raping legal!! And although robbie william said before that "there is enough blood for blood to flow into a men's brain. And to a man's penis. But there is not enough blood to flow to BOTH at a same time", you do not need to heed his advice.For goodness sake, safe some blood to flow to your brain when the urge kicks in dammit.

Good thing the student managed to escape. However, now everyone is paranoid about this. Its bad enough we are having tests and most of us are on the verge of going nuts and then THIS?!

Just imagine:
How was your day?
Fine, no big. I had a test and I think I flunked.
Anything else?
Oh yeah, I was nearly raped.

Fuck la wei.

I am freaking pissed. How wrong can the whole situation get?

The security guard. He acted in a moment of lust.
What will he get in return? Maybe 20 or 30 years in jail?

The student. She was just innocently going back home after surviving an exam.
What did she get in return? A lifetime of paranoia and mental trauma.

Is this worth it? God gave us a brain to use. Why arent most people using it for the better of mankind?

Instead they let their dicks control their brain.

So please guys, learn to multitask. Always make sure there's always enough blood flowing to your brain.

TArcians,be careful and take care.
Although I believe that when its time for you to die, ITS TIME. But still, please be careful.

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