Haunted House?

I always wondered why alot of people have shifted away from my rented house in TBR.
now, I think I know why.

Several days ago, while chatting with an ex-housemate, I asked him why the old housemates shifted away.
He told me "This house 'dirty' ar"

NOW he tells me??

Then he proceeded to tell me the ex-housemates have experienced weird happening in the house before.

Senario 1
Fellow A went to take a bath before sleeping. When he came back to the room, he saw Fellow B sleeping in his usual position. He then tried to talk to him, but was then ignored. Disgrunted and rather pissed, he decided to face his back toward the person. But after several minutes, he tried to get Fellow B's attention by turning around, he then noticed that no one was sleeping there! wtf!

Senario 2
They were playing mahjong when one guy who was sitting at a position facing the kitchen saw SOMEONE there. But when they checked later, no one was there!

Senario 3
One guy was sleeping soundly when he heard a female voice shouting beside his ear. He was alone in the house then.

Senario 4
The girls had told him they have heard pacings and saw shadows in the middle of the night despite the fact that EVERYONE was asleep then.

When one of the ex housemates went to a chinese bomoh, he was then told that there are not one, BUT TWO wandering spirits 0.o sei lo sei lo.. One male and one female some more wtf

Btw, so far, I havent experienced anything other than feeling extremely cold occasionally eventhough the weather is normal. So yeah, nothing to worry about. After all, I AM getting free air conditioning.

ps: I GIVE UP. Friendster's lure is just too great to resist. Especially after aimee's post about the most discussed bimbo. ISH So yeah, there goes my will.

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