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In respect of Aimee's latest discovery and recent declaration of undying love towards a certain site called 'Uncyclopedia',I have decided to take on her dare to write a typical uncyclopedia entry about myself.Proceed reading at own risk.

What is Uncycopedia?
Basically a parody of wikipedia. A website full of glorious madness, madness, need I say more? MADNESS. It has become a partner in crime for crazy people to spread their madness far beyond horizons, bridging racial, cultural and religious borders. Read it at your own risk as many inflated egos and beliefs have been crushed by certain entries.

Suggested searches: god, satan, malaysia, paris hilton, how to play guitar (broke my G-string while fingering A-minor =P)

Ahem. Okay. Back to the POINT.
If you are still reading this, please be warned that you have been warned before.

Creation was purely accidental and not planned.Suggested names before birth are Wong Xi Mun (read cantonese), Mickey Wong, Wong Mei Wan and Jade Wong.Eventually shared the name Wong Mei Kay (mei qi) with probably thousands of lala mois, aunties and taitais after name was picked out from temple. Ironically is called mickey sometimes. Heavens must have been siding the subject's father as he was actually the one who wanted to name her Mickey as he thinks it's cute. Unfortunately, subject is ANYTHING but cute.

Background and personality
Grew up in a average Malaysian family with an unsupressed urge to keep moving houses. Thus causing subject to change several schools several times.Currently she is juggling college life in between lecture halls,tutorial class,canteen,shopping centers, mamak stalls,home and kampung.

Subject can sometimes be extreamly serious and cool to a point where it starts to freak people out. Other times, subject can be really mad. Which probably explains why she is writing this entry. Does not belive in 'looking at life through rose colored windows' as subject thinks its dillusional and unrealistic. Appears to be carefree but can be too critical and tad bit too sarcastic for her own good. Finds it hard to believe in people sometimes. Prefer to put more faith in herself and her dog, Sam and all other things adorable and fluffy and yes, preferably dogs.

BLACK t-shirts baby!
Peanut butter and bread.
People who are reading this.
A certain blue stuffed sotong in Maggie T AND her orange pillow.
The guardian of her mobile phone- Black pig
Anything orange or purple.

Complicated people. No elaboration needed.
Local airheaded datuks.
People peering over her shoulder as she is surfing the internet.

Physical attributes:
Reasonably thin although has an ability to consume enough food to feed a school of supermodels. aka toothpicks
A chinese who DOESN't look chinese.
Has uncurably tanned skinned.

Random facts:
She can write backwards.
Molested a teddy bear before.
Jumped off her classroom window on first floor before. low windows, but still..
Caught tadpoles and stuffed them into bottle. teacher thought it was cincau
Climbed into a monsoon drain before just to catch dragonflies.
Fell asleep during a major government exam. (PMR science)
