Step behind the yellow line
P.s: I have small feet I know. (Freak)

I now know I have many stalkers. People have been msn-ing me and telling me "eh I read ur last entry, dont be so mad la.. senior citizens like dat one. Always pms-ing." Or something along the lines la.

Goodness sake, leave comment la when you all drop by, scare people only when suddenly someone pops up and says "eh I read ur blog leh!" in class.

Yesterday, I was chatting with a friend who is undertaking his industry training. And he was complaining about the daily madness of the bitch from hell who struts around in formal wear and sissy heels. Also known as supervisor. Anyway, like any other bitches, she basically like to do what bitches like to do.

Hobbies include:
1. scolding people and making them feel like useless pieces of turds worthy of being trodden upon
2.brainwashing people to think that point 1 is correct
3.screaming at those people who dare question the two points above.

Let me get this point true to all girls: Being a bitch isnt cool. Look at what Paris Hilton got herself into anyway.

My point is: Be normal, be nice, be stupid, be boring, be a nerd, be lala, but dont be a bitch.

Anyway, I also told my friend about the english bitch of a lecturer. This is a snippet of what she said to me before and after the presentation:

Your written assignment is all wrong. You are quite a joker arent you mei kay?"

This is a thesis. Not an article. I told you article. There are rules. You didnt follow them.

Do you think you can critize a p.h.d's work?

I used to have a high opinion of you, now I am just very dissappointed.

Mei kay,you are a very irresponsible girl.

Hello, care I remind you that I am not the only one presenting? Its done by two people. Why am I bombed?

So what did I do.
I shut up and ignored her.
and glared at her throughout my presentation, looking unnessasarily fierce.

cause I know I made a terrible mistake of not letting her see the article beforehand.
Nevertheless, there was two of us.
So technically its both our faults.


Anyway, the friend above told me to let it go, he does that when his supervisor scolds him. He told me these people are alike, they think we all nothing. What to do?

But somehow, I cannot accept the fact. Let go cause we are nothing?

The word:nothing.
Its depressing.

Nothing is....nothing. We arent nothing. I am not nothing. We might not be geniuses and win truckful of nobel prices, but we know we arent stupid. We might not be beautiful and win Ms Universe, but we know we arent ugly. We might not have voices of angels, of sunsilk like hair, but there is something we are good at.

Point is, we are something.
and probably good at something as well.
We just need to believe in ourselves.
To take risks to know who you really are, what you really can do.

We have always been told to stand behind the yellow line. The yellow line- signifying safety, rules and conformity.

Most of the time, we abide and stand behind the yellow line.
Cause we dont want to die early from living in the fast lane.
But there are times when we need to step away from the constrains of the yellow line.
To prove to yourself and to remind yourself that life is so much more than following the rules blindly.

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