Waiting for the sun to rise

Its 6.30 am, a girl sits in front of the glowing screen of the monitor, typing fervently away at the keyboard. Drunk on coffee. The 3in1 nescafe sure has effects, so sweet yet so bitter, which is exactly how she'd sum up her life up to now: bittersweet. The coffee keeps her awake, the sugar high gives her the kick to continue. Jay Chou sings mournfully in the background, preaching about filial piety. The atmosphere. Its unusual yet soothing.

She is oblivious to the sleeping people around her. They affect her not. She looks over and sees their peaceful sleeping faces, wondering when its her turn to finally knock off and slip into slumber. But she is still drunk on coffee. The body is tired but the mind is not.

She wonders about alot of things.
She wonders what the pariah of a lecturer will say later.
She wonders if she can sleep.
She wonders why Jay Chou is so popular despite half of us dont know what he's singing about.
She wonders.... when the sun will rise.

Its been awhile since she had sat down and waited for the sun to rise, thought she whilst glancing at the clock at the corner of her monitor, which now shows 6.47 am. But she had already went outside just now to take a gulp of fresh air. The time then was 6 am. Looking at the empty road which leads to her college. The road that will take her further to her dreams. The road she has been walking along for a whole year.

Once in awhile, a car passes by sees a girl standing alone in the garden, staring at the empty road and the black sky. Hair messy from the nap she took earlier. Perhaps they were bewildered. Perhaps they were amused. The girl never knew. What occured behind the tinted glass will remain there. She stood there, waiting for the sun to rise.

When will the sun rise?
When will the light win over this blinding darkness?
and show her the way out of the mess she is in?

Although she never did take a picture of the sunrise, she knew that it matters not. The sun will rise. It always did. When it does, she'll open all the curtains and let the light illuminate her world. For now, she'll just leave the curtains wide open, waiting for the sunlight to rush in.

No matter what, I'll wait for the sun rise.

Snippets of life:

notice board. Its the jolly time of finals again.

I like my notebooks to be colorful like my notice board. HIV awareness ribbon from PR health awareness campaign.

My PR friend plastered too many on me. So I stuck most of them on to my bedroom door. And one for every door in the house. Yes, even the toilet door.

My housemates love umbrellas in shades of pink and gray.

Leftover from Personnel Administration Presentation today. We presented on SOCSO, using pictures to tell a story. Men at work changed to mickey at work.

The sun has already rose. And the girl typing this blog entry is still drunk from coffee. Yet, she'll try to give sleep a chance.

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